Saturday, September 21, 2019

New Bylaws for the Friends Organization

By now you should have received the current communication from the Friends of Casa Navarro about the upcoming annual meeting.  At the bottom of it is the New Bylaws for you to see.  The committee which I was a part of worked long and hard to get it finalized.  Now we need the memberships approval.  I hope that many of you will be in attendance and will even consider bringing others to join our fine organization.  See you then.  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Annual Friends of Casa Navarro Meeting less than a month away.

Hello everyone.  Just a reminder that our annual meeting is approaching.  This will be important because you will learn
what 2020 will be to Casa Navarro.  With it's new neighbors about to start construction for the New Federal Court house and the
future of UTSA downtown expansion all around us.  How exciting
you will hear all about it at this meeting.  

Check out my photos page.  If you don't see something you'd like
to see here please send it to me in a jpg, gif or a png and I will post it.  I have a documents file also.  You might find that interesting so
check out my site.  Their are at least 2 years of posting I've done.  

1999 Navarro Reunion
in Brackenridge Park
San Antonio, Texas

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

October 12th 2019 . Be There.

October 19th is our Annual Meeting for "Friends"

The Friends of Casa  Navarro will meet this 19th of October
at the Casa Navarro starting at 11 am to 1 pm.  Please plan on
attending.  Lots of news to share with you about all the changes
that are about to happen around us.  Also, we need you to
vote to accept the new By-Laws for the 2020-2021 year.
In the By-laws which I worked on we were able to get the
dues date changed from September 01 to Jose Antonio Navarro's
Birthday, which is February 27th for those who are not already
familiar with that.  We always have a Birthday party for him.
One of the highlights of the year for us.  We have speakers,
scholarship recipients, food, drink, Birthday cake, and usually
some form of entertainment.   You should be receiving a copy of our By-laws soon for you to review. You will be voting on accepting them.