Thursday, August 8, 2019

On Vacation to Minnesota

I've been away for most of the month of June and no excuse for not posting in July.  The Board of the organization the Friends of Casa
Navarro has kept me busy.  I'm on a committee that is writing the by-laws for the group which has been very tedious.  We will be
presenting our work to the Board this October for passage.  

Meeting new people with a group called Voices Cosmcas, which
means Cosmic Voices.  They are a group of intellects, professional
movie stars from our area, poets, and all around people interested in conversations.  I attended one of their meetings I was invited to.
The first person to talk was Gary Perez.  He was a most interesting person.  He has an exhibit currently at the Witte Museum in San Antonio, Texas featuring a subject close to his heart.  He is of
Mexican, Spanish, and American Indian descent.  His exhibit is
about how San Antonio and its streets were laid out by the ancient
inhabitants according to the stars in the sky.  He spoke of Orion and the Orion nebula and the North Star and why North Star Mall was
named that.  He told us how the Navarro Street matches the long
part of the arrow in Sagittarius. I found that most interesting and
later asked Gary if he would come and speak to our group sometime.  He said he would.  How many Navarro, Ruiz family
members or others know of that.

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