Monday, January 31, 2022

Upcoming Celebration February 2022

We will celebrate our beloved Jose Antonio Navarro's 227th  Birthday this Saturday Feb. 26th at his house on Laredo St. 
Festivities will start at 11:00.  We will be serving coffee and tamales
while they last.
Hope to see you all there.  I will be manning a genealogical table
that day to help those who want to see if they possibly connect to
Jose Antonio Navarro. 

Those new to this site my be asking why do they honor this man?

Well let me explain, from the prospective of one of his
descendants.  The man and all of his accomplishments in those early
days of the setting of San Antonio, Texas are amazing.  He was always thinking of his state and honoring it.  He worked for many years to help do that.  You can read many books on what he did and
said.  The quotes from him are numerous.  If you look under the tab there is one of his most enduring quotes  This is proof of just how much he thought of the United States of America.  The way I view him is for his humanitarianism.

One of the ways we all benefit from something he did is looking at the Homestead Act.  He first authored a forerunner for that act in the Texas legislature and it was widened to help the whole U.S. 

Please explore my site by navigating through the tabs above.  If you'd like to subscribe.  You can do so in the area below comments after everyone of my post.  If I can be of further assistant just call or email me.  210-415-1912