Wednesday, January 29, 2020

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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Our 225th Celebration of Navarro's Birthday

King Williams Parade


Another date for your calendar you will want to mark.  April 25th a Saturday is the King Williams Parade. The Parade starts at 9 am sharp on Guenther St. and Eagleland St. and ends on Adams and Eagleland. (see flyer under events for more information)

Casa Navarro is the Grand Marshall this year.  We were given this honor by the King Williams Association and will be the first float in the parade.

Now you now this will be a grand parade. Would  you like to participate?  You will need to fill out a waiver. Contact me for one. Then all you have to do is be dressed in white attire and comfortable walking shoes and be ready  to walk behind our float with other family and freinds, for the 2 mile trek.  Something all descendants and their children should consider doing.  I know they will love it.  Show up and lets let San Antonio see just how many of us there are.