Letting you know how the meeting went. Although not many
people in attendance, we accomplished a lot. The minutes of
the last meeting were read, a treasury report was given, and a committee report of future fund raising events for Casa Navarro.
I will be posting one of those events that is scheduled for November. Hope some of you will want to attend. It will be
an exciting night of music, food and drinks. The Symphonic Band of San Antonio will perform for a concert under the Stars at Casa
Navarro. Watch for my invitation to you all.
At our meeting we learned of exciting things that are happening
in and around the Casa Navarro. Most of you know that the San Pedro Creek development is coming along very well and will be a big asset to the Casa. Across the street on Nueva St. will be the new Federal Courthouse. What some of you might not know is that the University of Texas at San Antonio will be building at least three new buildings. One will be where the parking lot is now, the other will be where the white jail is and the third will be on the other side of the San Pedro Creek, behind the Casa Navarro. The Casa Navarro grounds will be extended all the way to the Creek now, making it acquired land for us to use for a building of our own, plus parking, and access for busses to drop of tours. These are all great news for our organization as it will keep us in the lime light of what is happening in San Antonio. The new Federal Building has not been named yet. We are diligently working
to get it named after our ancestor Jose Antonio Navarro.
Anyone, who is familiar with this process and is willing to help us
get this done. It would be greatly appreciated.
I hope that these new future happenings will encourage you to
join us and be a part of all that is happening.